Hip Pain From Marathon Running

Hip Pain From Marathon Running

I'm constantly reminded of how intelligent our bodies are.  They hold all the answers, if we just take the time to listen and explore.  Body awareness and anatomy are the two tools that I find invaluable when investigating a body complaint.  

Once in awhile I get really extra lucky with a client.  I find the answer in one session and never have to see them again.  It's times like these that keep me going and wanting to help people with their bodies. 

Social Media: 4 Do's and Dont's

Do you ever lose track of time while on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?  It happens to many of us.  It’s easy to get caught up reading stories and looking at photos.  It’s enjoyable.  But, sometimes it causes stress too.  

Follow these tips to make your time spent on social media worth your while…

Click Here to keep reading.

Stand Up Paddle Board Workout

Stand Up Paddle Board Workout

If you live near a lake, river or oceanfront, you’ve undoubtedly seen increasing numbers of people on stand-up paddleboards (SUP). This popular activity is super fun and provides a great workout. You can make the experience even more rewarding, however, by using your off-the-board workout time to strengthen those SUP-specific muscles. 

How to create the best exercises for your favorite sport

How to create the best exercises for your favorite sport

Starting over is hard.  Especially when you were so in love!  Did you ever have to take a break from your favorite sport?  Have you injured yourself and had to stop doing something you really enjoy?  Injuries are a set-back no one wants to experience.  Yet we all know what pain feel like.

Pad Kee Mao at home

Pad Kee Mao at home

"I should try something new, I always order the same thai food."  That's how Karl introduced me to one of my favorite thai dishes back when we first started dating.  New relationships, new food...  Variety is the spice of life.  Literally.  Pad Kee Mao, otherwise known as Drunken Noodles or Spicy Noodles is one of my go-to thai dishes.  

Learn how to make it at home!

The foundation of all "ab" exercises

The foundation of all "ab" exercises

Everybody has a love/hate relationship with their abs.  They love working on them and yet hate the pain of planks!  Before someone begins an abdominal routine, it's important to make sure they understand what muscles to focus on.  

Ensuring the right and left sides are working equally is also a good idea.  If they don't, this is where problems begin.  Slowly but surely - one crunch after the next, compensation patterns develop.  The stronger side gets stronger and the weaker side never catches up.  

If one side of your abs is stronger than the other, it causes a subtle rotation and side bend in the spine that will eventually lead to bigger problems then flabby abs...    

My travel and business secret

My travel and business secret

I was sitting on a stool eating my lunch and looked down at Koda.  I'd never seen that look on her face before...  On the stool next to me was a grey cat.  My heart rate went up.  I didn't know what she might do.  I asked her to "leave it".  She was laser focused.  I decided to pet the kitty to show he was a friend.  That was the wrong choice.  She let out a snarl, maybe she was trying to protect me from this beast?  You've got to act quick when disciplining a dog, they have a short memory.  I told her "NO!".  Everything was harmonious after that.  

I took a deep sigh of relief and reminded myself that this is why I love traveling and working on the road.  

Why does sitting cause discomfort?

Why does sitting cause discomfort?

Do you sit more than an hour a day?  In the car, at a desk, watching tv, playing games?  It all adds up!  You're not alone...

I got what felt like sciatica for the first time in my life while driving across the country last spring .  I was excited!!!!  Why?  Because, it meant I could use my body to find better solutions for YOU.  Sciatica can really only be diagnosed by a doctor, aside from that, it's just sacral discomfort.  

Are you storing fat or burning it?

Are you storing fat or burning it?

It's natural to store fat for winter.  Living up here in Montana has made that even more clear to me, with all of the animals that hibernate in this part of the country.  If you've been watching the news, you know that some of the bears came out of hibernation early.  

Are you ready to come out of hibernation mode?

Learn from my mistake...

Learn from my mistake...

I got to thinking about the adductors this week, which isn't unusual for me (to think about muscles that is).  Their role in horse back riding is so different than when skiing or making a dodge in football.  

Fitness professionals talk a lot about sport-specific or functional exercise, which means to train the way that you "play".  

I did everything I thought was needed to prepare for ski season, but I missed one important component and found out the hard way...

Strengthen your hips at a deeper level

Strengthen your hips at a deeper level

Kegels are one exercise you can do anywhere to strengthen your pelvic floor.  These muscles do more than just  "kegel".  Learn where they attach, so you can make better use of these important stabilizers.  This video is inspired by the wonderful pilates instructors I've had the pleasure of working with over the years.

I'll never forget my first pilates class in 2005 at San Diego State University.  Sara Grout opened my eyes to the many possibilities of engaging the pelvic floor with creativity and flow...  

Anatomy wish list

Anatomy wish list

Love gift giving?  Loathe it?  Either way, it surrounds us this time of year.  While you are busy asking for perfume and new pajamas - you might be missing a huge opportunity!  

Several years ago I un-wrapped an unexpected gift that proved to be very thoughtful and helpful.  An Anatomy Coloring Book!      

Invest in your body and in your mind this year.  Body awareness is the gift that keeps on giving. 

Share this blog with those who are shopping for you this season.  Or...put aside some of that holiday bonus money and get yourself a gift!  Remember, you can use educational tools as a tax write-off....  

Stability and Strength for the Ski Season

Stability and Strength for the Ski Season

The leaves are falling here in Montana and so is the rain on occasion, which means something white and fluffy will be falling very soon!  Southern California, I miss you, but I am soooo excited for my first FULL SKI SEASON in ten years!  For those of you who share this passion or have clients who love skiing, I have an exciting video and article just for you...

If you aren't a skier, don't worry - you will still benefit from the anatomy review of the primary leg muscles!

Are you sure you're cueing squats correctly?

Are you sure you're cueing squats correctly?

Andy's favorite holiday is here and his relatives are all around town!!!  I have been visiting some of Montana's great Ghost Towns like Garnet and Virginia City, to get in the Halloween mood - what about you? 

I made a special video to help you connect a very popular exercise move with bones.  Click Here to learn where the real rules about squats come from and see Andy's great Halloween Costume!  

Your body will breathe a huge sigh of relief when you find out the most common mis-conception about squats.

Alleviating a tight IT Band long term

Alleviating a tight IT Band long term

If I had a dollar for every time I heard about this problem, I would be rich!  Remember...the IT Band (Iliotibial Band) is a tendon.  Tendons are mostly collagen and are present to withstand tension.   They have also been shown to act as springs.  What would happen if you massaged a spring?  

New Ideas about Plantar Fasciitis

New Ideas about Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciatis is the buzz word of the summer, when “heels” get exchanged for sandals and flip flops.  As the foot is flatter more often, the bottom of the foot may experience inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the tissue on the bottom surface of the foot.  

Heels are in disguise!  They are not just women’s fancy shoes... 

Do you wear:

Sneakers with cushion in the rear-foot?

Men’s dress shoes with a slight lift in the rear-foot?

Other shoes with more than a 1-inch heel?