Bring vacation into your daily life... Close your eyes...
Imagine your favorite escapes and various components that made them memorable.
Its incredible how our brain can re-create pleasure with some simple creativity and implementation...
Here are some of mine to help get your mind rolling -
Bali - Indonesia
Placing a fresh picked plumeria flower on the side of bath tub while I soak and relax.
Maui - Hawaii
Mango Salsa & Avocado with chips on a random afternoon takes me away to paradise.
Venice - Italy
Getting lost in the moment with the food & sharing smiles with the farmers/artisans at local San Diego markets.
Paris - France
Preparing Chicken with Mushroom Sauce to re-live the flavors of the city.
What enjoyable moments along your travels can you incorporate into your daily life?
Please share with us! We can all use inspiration from time to time.