How to win the Superbowl

Super Bowl
Major events like Superbowl get me thinking about "what I was doing last year at this time".  Right after Superbowl is when I got a 14lb puppy who is now a 65lb dog.  Time flies and she went from a pajama pant pulling, finger nibbling, tail-chasing puppy to a running partner and loving companion.  Small reinforcements day after day added up over time to create a beautiful, behaved animal.  Koda brings me more joy than I could have ever imagined.  I remember dreaming about a dog like her for years.     

Are you a dreamer?
Long term goals, such as having an fun-sweet-obedient dog, winning the superbowl or losing 5 pounds are what I like to call DREAMS.  They are the big-picture reason for our actions, the WHY, the fuel.  Some of you might be dreamers like me, always thinking about the possibilities.  Others might be more practical minded and find these fantasies to be unrealistic or overwhelming.  I think both are important.  Its true, dreams can leave you dissapointed without the small practical steps that lead you there.  Rome wasn't built in a day and Beyonce didn't get to sing at the Superbowl from a few karaoke gigs.  I do believe that anything is possible.  One of the 49ers players wrote that he wanted to play pro-football in a time-capsule in 4th grade.  I had the pleasure of watching a childhood dream happen when a friend of mine surfed in Hawaii for the first time last year.  Dreams do come true. 

Living in the Moment
The theme for 2013 for me is to be present and live each day as if it is the only day.  Not to say that there won't be a 'tomorrow' - but that if we do as much as possible TODAY to be healthy, happy, loving and aligned with our life goals then before we know it a year passes and there are big results!  And no step is too small!
What choices can you make today for your physical health, emotional happiness and to love the people around you?  These choices are often small and easy to do, which makes them easy not to do!  A walk around the block, hug or phone call to a friend just to say hello can have huge results over time.  Surf, play football, spend time with your puppy or sing karaoke.  Do what makes you happy! 

Big Dreams become small steps
If you are a dreamer like me, enjoy those thoughts when you wake up in the morning to get you going and then decide what you can do today to move towards that dream.  If you are wanting to take a vacation, think of something you can do to bring the vacation to you today (a walk in the sunshine, hot bath, self-massage, see a local band play).  If you want to lose weight or get in better shape - call a friend and go exercise today or head to the grocery store and stay in the fresh food section until your bag is full.  If you want to have more friendships or a special friendship, say hello to a new person today.  With the internet, you can research that vacation, look up a new recipe or exercise to tone your arms...  The sky is the limit!

Help is a click away!

If there is something I can do to encourage your dreams, send me an email and I will be happy to help.
I want to hear from you!  Have great day!